Comments on: Safe Gosforth High Street Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: SPACE for Gosforth Sat, 10 Oct 2020 06:52:33 +0000 In reply to James Lloyd.

Dear James, thank you for taking the time to read the blog.

We’ve clarified, and I think you accepted, via the SPACE for Gosforth Facebook group that the issue relating to disappearing buses was a misreading of the blog and that the section correctly referred to in the blog as only having few buses is between Hollywood Avenue and Christon Road.

I’m also happy to clarify that your suggestions to ‘demonise drivers’, ‘close all roads’ and ‘walk or cycle all journeys’ regardless of distance or ability are also completely made up.

Many of the issues you refer to are complex, but also potentially solvable. They required constructive discussion and weighing up the options and alternatives. Hyperbole and scare stories help no one, and certainly not the people you profess to be concerned about.

We do share a concern for local businesses and possibly you missed our recent advertising campaign in support of local independent shops. There’s plenty of evidence of the benefits of improving shopping centres for walking and cycling and how that helps local businesses. If you don’t want to take our word for it you are welcome to search for yourself.

You also seem to be giving a view different to that provided by the government and media on when vaccines will be available. It would be useful if you could at least support that statement with a link or similar. Most reports I have seen suggest late 2021 at the earliest. In the absence of that, the government have proposed to make it easier for people to walk or cycle. We covered the well-evidenced reasons for this at the start of the article, including a link to the government’s instruction to local authorities. Many of these resaons will continue to be relevant even once a vaccine is found so I don’t believe there is a conflict between short and long-term planning as you suggest.

By: James Lloyd Wed, 07 Oct 2020 17:20:05 +0000 Someone ([WORDS DELETE]) has taken some considerable time to prepare this. It is heavily weighted to the view of the anti car / cycle user but maintains that a lot of these changes are required for COVID. We might have a vaccine in a few months hopefully so not sure we should redesign the entire city roads, stop businesses being viable and totally demonise car and van drivers on that basis. I note the continued suggestion of walking or cycling for every journey possible. That is not possible for a great many people who have to travel with the elderly, children, equipment, deliveries, long distances etc etc. A few main observations. According to this document very few buses travel south on the stretch between christon road and salters road. Really? so the many many buses that enter the ‘regent Centre Metro bus interchange’ travelling south at ASDA. Where do they go? Do they hop on the metro for the remainder of their southbound journey? Utter rubbish. That is making up the evidence to fit your preferred outcome. The salters road junction is so bad now that most users wanting to access streets off salters road, schools etc cut through the residential streets that are narrow with parking both sides. I have lived twice separately on Salters Road and when you buy a house on there i knew it was a main road with heavy traffic use and accepted that. I did not expect all vehicle users to suddenly desert it and clog up the other narrow residential street around it. There is a suggestion to put a footpath across the bottom of West Ave as they did many years ago with Woodbine Road. Why stop there? Let’s do it to all streets in gosforth and you can then only enter if you are not in a dreaded vehicle. Woodbine Road is entirely residential. The last time I looked there were quite a few business on West Av (School, hotel, nursery, religious venue, Restaurant, church, cafe, care facilities. How would you propose they take deliveries? by large wagons circumnavigating the residential streets for ten minutes then driving down a dead end and reversing the length of the road back up to Linden Road. Idealistic nonsense I am afraid. The back lane for the high street between West Avenue and Hawthorn Road is now the only way many cafes, restaurants and other businesses can receive a delivery. There used to be the possibility of larger delivery vehicles stopping for short periods of time on the high street but they can no longer do that again diverting these large vehicles onto residential streets.
