Hoppings Traffic Management

One in five people have some kind of disability. People with a disability are much more likely to be physically inactive and to rely on driving for day to day travel. Being able to cycle is a good way to improve health and well-being and to combat social isolation.
Many disabled people do cycle and find it easier than walking. They often use specially adapted cycles which tend to be wider, longer and heavier than the usual two wheeled bicycles.
Poor infrastructure is one of the biggest barriers Read more [...]
It came as news to me that some people with disabilities find cycling easier than walking. They say it takes less effort and puts less strain on painful joints. Jenny Gristock wrote in the British Medical Journal describing her experience and there are many others like her. Read more [...]
Newcastle City Council are seeking your views on a proposed crossing to be sited on Salters Road. You can access the original consultation, which closed on 23 December 2018, on the Let's Talk website. The proposal is to remove the zebra crossing and replace it with a puffin crossing outside of the Spar shop.
Update 3/9/2019: The Council approved the original proposal without modification.
Update 21/1/2022: The Council have installed the crossing (see bottom of blog).
The Read more [...]
If you live in the former East or West Gosforth council wards or in Parklands ward, you should have had a survey leaflet through your door. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours about the survey and ask them to do it too. The more people who take part, the better the picture we will have of Gosforth as a whole. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 25 November. Read more [...]
In January 2018, Newcastle City Council agreed to allow North Gosforth Parish Council the option to adopt the two stone/concrete bus shelters on the east side of the Great North Road. In the same meeting, the City Council outlined the concerns that residents had shared with them about these existing shelters and their plans to install new shelters to resolve these concerns and meet accessibility standards. Read more [...]
North Tyneside Council have recently completed a short 10 day consultation on options for regeneration of Station Road North in Forest Hall. Forest Hall is within easy cycling distance of Gosforth, only 15 minutes from South Gosforth Metro, though currently cycling to Forest Hall from Gosforth requires the use of a number of busy and unpleasant roads. SPACE for Gosforth submitted the following general feedback about the scheme with suggestions to improve the public realm and access to shops and local businesses. Read more [...]
In March 2017, the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee launched an inquiry into Electric Vehicles. The inquiry was to examine the barriers to the development of the electric vehicle market and what support this emerging market might need.
The committee invited submissions of written evidence. SPACE for Gosforth decided to submit written evidence as we wanted to ensure that the inquiry considered electric bicycles ("E-bikes") as well as electric cars and other vehicles ("electric vehicles"). Read more [...]
Newcastle City Council have published their final plans for the Broadway to Brunton Cycle Lane and construction is due to start soon in a series of phases to minimise disruption.
Residents' feedback showed that there was broad support, with most people agreeing with the aims of the scheme but with a number of detail points that needed addressing. In this blog we take a look at the consultation process and the changes made by the Council as a result of that feedback. Read more [...]
In October 2016 SPACE for Gosforth arranged a review of recent changes to the Salters Road / Gosforth High Street junction with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association , engineers from Newcastle City Council and Zoe the Guide Dog. Read more [...]