Air Quality Update 2022

The new plan has a smaller Clean Air Zone and no financial disincentive for private cars no matter how polluting they are. In this blog we describe the Council's final (watered-down) plan and why we think it unlikely that the relevant legal tests will be met in full without further measures in addition to those proposed. Read more [...]
Newcastle City Council have released the Air Quality Feasibility Study that will be used for its forthcoming consultation. Whatever the final plan that is chosen, it must by law meet air quality limits within the shortest possible timescale. The question for the consultation therefore is how should that be achieved. Read more [...]
The Council has just released its Air Quality Annual Status Report 2018 and it is not looking good for Gosforth High Street. We had expected that the 2016 reading of 51μg/m3 for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) was a one-off due to the roadworks at the junction with Salters Road, but in 2017 the figure had increased again to 59μg/m3.. Both are substantially higher than the legal maximum of 40μg/m3. Read more [...]
Dr Chris Stenton FRCP FFOM
Dr Stenton is a Consultant Physician at the RVI Newcastle. His main interest is in work-related lung disease, particularly asthma, COPD and asbestosis.
Here he looks at some of the history, causes and effects of atmospheric air pollution. He also considers some of the emerging evidence on several insidious consequences air pollution is connected with.
In my work as a chest physician I see patients with many different types of lung conditions. Almost all lung Read more [...]
SPACE for Gosforth submitted evidence and feedback to several consultations in 2017. Here is our November 2017 response to the joint inquiry by the Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Environmental Audit, Health, and Transport Committees into improving air quality which was launched in October 2017. Prior to this, in July 2017, after UK courts twice ruled that the Government’s plans to cut air pollution were inadequate, the Government released a new air quality plan. The aim of the cross-party Read more [...]
SPACE for Gosforth submitted evidence and feedback to several consultations in 2017. Here is the response to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department for Transport (DfT) joint consultation on 'Improving air quality: reducing nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities.
The intention of the consultation was to seek feedback on the Government's draft plan, which set out 'proposed actions to meet air quality standards within the shortest possible time'. Read more [...]